bio ethanol fireplace - an alternative to the conventional fireplace for a beautiful home from radius design! whether on long winter evenings or beautiful summer nights, with your bio ethanol fireplace, you can sit and relax by the open fire. the home flame collection offers flame romance based on a bio-ethanol fireplace. the combustion chamber of the ethanol fireplace, with its ceramic sponge inside, guarantees a particularly beautiful, even flame play down to the last drop. the well thought-out construction of the ethanol fireplace allows an independent and free placement of the ethanol fireplace. Note: delivery in partially assembled condition. easy to transport thanks to space-saving packaging.
the indoor and outdoor ethanol fireplace UNI FLAMEenchants your home into an oasis of well-being. Experience a fascinating display of flames, not only in the house but also in the open air. The combustion chamber complies with DIN NORM 4734.
• emission free of soot particles
• special ceramic burner
• low consumption (max. 500 ml / 1 hour)
• uniform flame formation
• burns up to 4-8 hours
• 1,7 or 3,0 liter capacity
• low heat development of the combustion chamber
• double-walled safety combustion chamber
• easy handling
• adjustable flame height
• safety glass
• made in germany – 100% quality
• TÜV® tested with the associated device
• 10 year functional guarantee
• patented combustion chamber (no. 10 2007 038 995)